Audio Blog

…other head section stuff (Title, Description,etc.)…


  1. Hey love,
    I love the blog that u have created- u are such a smart person.
    I hope it goes extremely well. 🙂
    I am sure you are going to have a very exciting and amazing time.

    Keep this update as I will be following.

    Bri xxxxxx

  2. I there,

    Thinking of you as you get ready to start. I hope all is well over there, and that the boat is all you wished for.

    Best for now


  3. Hey dip dip,

    Bon voyage amigo! Watchout for pirates! Oh, that’s right. We ain’t got them here!

  4. Good Luck; hope all goes well & hope you raise the funds and awareness for alzheimer’s! G-d bless you, your grandmother and your family!

  5. What a great adventure! I just read your article and admire your drive and heart! May you have a safe and wonderful experience!

  6. Hi Lewis,

    Thinking of you…Following your journey…and praying for Safe Travels! You will have a wonderful experience, and I will be rooting for you all the way!
    Bon Voyage my friend!

  7. Hey Lewis, we in NY are kind of excited to see you when you get here
    Be safe, alright? And hopefully the sharks don’t get ya…. probably won’t. But still, good luck and I can’t wait to hear more about your travels. And I hope you have something really warm to wear, NY is pretty cold right now.
    Good luck man

  8. im proud of what ur doing. ur young and enthusiastic. This disease hits my family hard and im glad ur raising awareness.. good luck stay safe…

  9. What a great adventure and worthy cause. best of luck!

  10. Good luck! Be safe hope you complete your journey safely.

  11. Good for you for taking action against this dreadful disease! My mother and her siblings have faded away one at a time. I am with you in spirit all the way from Maine.

  12. You will have blisters in places you never knew were possible. 500 sit-up’s in 1977. Have fun and safe journey

  13. There is an (real time) app. That I have found to be fun and useful. You will have a map with all (most) boats,ships on the water (you can watch out for those oil tankers) It could help out with identification, communication and navigation.

  14. p.s. If your website GPS was working I would have driven north to the ICW pulled over to cheer you on… (since I can’t) Whoo Hoooo! <——this will have to do.

  15. You are inspiring us daily!!! Our family of four is following your adventure and journey by listening to your blog each night during our dinner hour. We saw the news blurb on aol and were energized by your enthusiasm and commitment to raising both awareness as well as funds for research and have spread the word… Best wishes for continued success!!

    We look forward to turning the page to tomorrow’s message!

  16. Lewis, you are amazing and we’re all so proud of what you’re doing, and of who you are. It takes a special type of guy to do something like this. Enjoy the experience and nurse those muscles! We’ll all be following you and rooting for you – keep going and stay safe.
    Patti and co xx

  17. Ill think of you as you go. My Father is a Alzheimer patient. THANK YOU

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